Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
It’s NOT your Trigger Control
Any of you who teach shooting classes or coach shooters casually should really pay attention to what Mike Seeklander is discussing in this article. I use this trick quite regularly to fix those low left shots.
Will the Mexican Cartel Wars Come North?
A very informative long-form article about how the Mexican drug cartels have evolved over the years and a look at how they might affect America in the future.
How to Conceal Spare Ammo
Massad Ayoob provides good advice about some innovative ways to carry a spare magazine or two.
The Greatest Negotiation Tactics I’ve Ever Seen: In Practice
Using psychology to improve your negotiation abilities.
J Frame of Mind: The Snubby’s Guide to Life
Carrying a snubnose revolver for defense requires different tactics and a different mindset than carrying a full sized semi-automatic pistol.
Finding a Handgun Grip that Fits
An excellent tutorial on how to properly grip a handgun and what features you should be looking at when purchasing a defensive sidearm.
Our Culture of Contempt
“What we need is not to disagree less, but to disagree better. And that starts when you turn away the rhetorical dope peddlers — the powerful people on your own side who are profiting from the culture of contempt. As satisfying as it can feel to hear that your foes are irredeemable, stupid and deviant, remember: When you find yourself hating something, someone is making money or winning elections or getting more famous and powerful. Unless a leader is actually teaching you something you didn’t know or expanding your worldview and moral outlook, you are being used.”
For more information from the same author, read The Real Problem with Today’s Discourse.
Your Armed Response to the Late Night Knock at the Door Could Get You Killed
Gun owners should carefully consider when and how they might open the door late at night. Cops knocking on doors during hours of darkness should recognize that they may be perceived as burglars by sleepy armed homeowners.
Guest Shot: Why?
“The Internet is an amazing thing! There is now so much information available at our fingertips that it is very difficult not to dive in and read. The problem is if we really do not understand what we are reading, it is VERY EASY to think everything read is fact. Fact and opinion is not the same and can actually be dangerous! I have been doing this a long time, thus, much of what I read on-line I recognize as bulls$#t immediately. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many.”
My Generalist Lockpicking Kit
Good information for my friends interested in lock picking and covert entry.
Training After an Illness
I’m feeling left out because everyone is posting tips to survive the coming pandemic. Here’s my contribution. Jim Wendler tells you how to adjust your strength training workouts when you are recovering from an illness.
Situational Awareness: When You Have to Use Deadly Force
Michelle Cerino discusses some issues involved with shooting from a seated position and making a surreptitious seated draw. She mentions shoulder movement as a possible “tell” that you are drawing the gun. I find a raising elbow to be a more reliable indicator and teach how to draw the gun without lifting the elbow in some of my gunfighting classes.
SHTF Survival Stories: Memories from the Balkan War
Those of you who have been consuming my content for years are undoubtedly familiar with Selco. This is his latest book describing the atrocities he experienced in the Balkan War.
Everyday Carry Essentials In Addition to a Firearm
I use my flashlight and pepper spray far more often than I use my gun.
Great article about resilience here, but even more important are the research links it contains. Follow them and enjoy the rabbit hole. Top notch information.
Drive The Gun: How To Use The Support Hand With AR-Type Rifles
Thoughts on hand position while shooting the AR-15. I believe you need to know and utilize all of them depending on the situation you are in and they types of cover you are attempting to conform to.
Five Types Of AR Malfunctions And How To Address Them
Some more AR-15 content for you.
This article covers malfunction clearance. While the procedures he advocates are the same as many other instructors, I think his terminology might be easier for a beginning student to remember.
“Load” and “Unload” makes a whole lot more sense for the beginner than memorizing the acronym “SPORTS.”
Looking for even more AR-15 articles? Read Best AR-15 Barrel – What to Look For.
“Two incompatible sacred values in American universities”
Start this video at about the 25 minute mark. It’s the best explanation I’ve found with regards to how “victim culture” is prized in the university and why academic institutions seemingly make such illogical policy choices.
Stockpiling Medications Inexpensively
I discuss legal methods of obtaining a stockpile of medicine in my “Systems Collapse” medical class. This is another legal, although somewhat time consuming method for obtaining prescription drugs. This will work for non-controlled drugs. If anything you are looking for is scheduled, an in-person medical exam is required.
Simulated Distance Dry Fire Target
A handy, printable rifle dry fire target. Set it up at 10 feet and you have targets scaled from 50 yards to 300 yards to practice with.
The Mozambique Drill: Making The Stop More Certain
I find that it is very difficult to get the casual plinker to do structured shooting drills to enhance performance. This drill is basic and easy, but may serve as a “gateway drug” into more extensive timed and scored exercises.
The Funny Thing About Hollywood and Guns
I like everything that Steven Hunter writes, even if it is just a movie review about the John Wick franchise.
“So much fun. Yet a question must be asked: Is John Wick friend or foe? Do the films help or hurt the community that has embraced them so fervently?
A case can be made that the films are subversively damaging, at least to people hungry to be damaged; after all, they make guns cool, hip, stylish and desirable, which the antis loathe. They celebrate the violence unleashed with the use of guns and they portray without apology what every anti-gunner fears in his heart of hearts: firepower unleashed without mercy, concern or consequence. They are indeed fantasies, but they are capable of inducing (even more) fear among our haters as paradigms of gun culture unchecked, unrepentant and unpoliced. They portray a world that many have come to despise, rightly or wrongly, a world where speed, strength and guile rule and there’s neither time nor room for feelings. If that is the message, it is expressed in the favored mode of the cultural left, irony.”
If you aren’t familiar with this author, check out his books on Amazon. You won’t be disappointed. Start with Pale Horse Coming. It’s a fictionalized account of a band of famous depression-era gunfighters who are based on Elmer Keith, Jack O’Connor, Audie Murphy, Charles Askins, Bill Jordan, and Ed McGivern who rally against injustice.
You’re Going to Regret Creating Soft Cops
“Well, when you consistently are bombarded with the message of: All cops are bastards, cops are racist, cops are in it for the money, cops are corrupt, there are no good cops, etc. eventually you’ll get what you want because the good ones decide that dealing with your problems, your deceased, your criminals, isn’t worth a barely livable wage and shitty pension, if a pension is even an option. They will leave for greener pastures, whether in law enforcement or a new career, because at some point: it’s just not worth it to them.”
Ohio School Threat Assessment Training
The Ohio Attorney General’s Office has just released free training materials regarding school threat assessments. There are nine training videos and a downloadable resource guide. Those of you charged with school safety should probably check them out.
How to Import Guns into the US (Legally!)
Ever wonder about the process to legally import a gun into the USA from another country? This video provides all the answers.
Essential Concealed Carry Tips for Women…& Men
I don’t agree with everything, but overall this offers some decent tips for choosing concealed carry accessories.
A Modest Proposal: A Truck Gun Might Be Unrealistic
I once carried a “trunk gun” (rifle and ammunition stowed in the trunk of a car) on a daily basis. If I’m going to get in a gunfight, I’d rather have a rifle than a pistol. After two decades of studying active killer attacks, I’ve only found one where a person was able to exit the attack scene, run to his car, obtain a rifle, and then shoot the killer. That’s ONE in 277 attacks since the year 2000.
I no longer carry a “trunk gun” unless I’m traveling out of state. When out of state, that gun will be used for fixed site protection upon my arrival and will not be kept in the car. I’ve concluded that “trunk guns” are far more likely to be stolen than used defensively.
Bodycam Shows San Diego Police Shoot Man After He Grabs Officer’s Gun
Here’s an example of why I think it’s so important for people to learn some higher level skills that can’t be adequately taught on the square range.
In this video, the bad guy ripped the entire holster (with gun still inside) from the officer’s belt. The other officer had to shoot the bad guy while the bad guy was still entangled with the original cop who confronted him.
When is the last time you practiced your weapon retention skills?
Do you know the best way to do a “partner rescue” contact shot without hitting the good guy?
Most firearms training doesn’t cover those vital skill sets. It’s on you to seek out good trainers and expand your capabilities to encompass more than simply poking holes in a bullseye target.
Top 15 tips for new concealed carriers
This is good advice. I’m not adamant that my students always carry their gun in exactly the same place. I carry my own gun in different locations depending on threat level and mode of dress. I’ve always been able to find my gun when I needed it. Before I leave the house, no matter how I’m carrying the gun, I practice three to five “mock draws.” I clear concealment, get a firing grip on my handgun and defeat whatever retention my holster has.
I don’t actually pull the gun out of the holster (that’s the easy part) so I don’t feel the need to unload the gun. This isn’t a full practice session, it’s just a way to build neural pathways and make sure you can get to your gun when you need it.
History of the ATF: How the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Became Corrupt & Abusive
The historical backstory of everyone’s favorite alphabet agency.
Small Child Attacked By Dog In Parking Lot
This is a self defense situation that few people have mentally worked through. What would you do if you or your child was attacked by an aggressive dog? Watch this video. Even if the father had been armed with a gun, there wasn’t much opportunity to use it as the dog was on top of the young girl. What’s your solution?
I always carry pepper spray, especially if I’m walking my dog. Loose aggressive dogs don’t often attack adult humans, but they will attack other dogs. I’d rather pepper spray the bad dog than shoot it if it is fighting with my dog. The idea of shooting while trying to hold on to a dog leash in a situation like this seems quite difficult. Pepper spray for the win.
Interestingly enough, during the two dog attacks in which I was able to intervene (one at work and one at home), I used my expandable baton. In one case, just opening the baton ran the dog off. In the other, I had to strike one of the two dogs that were attacking a jogger. After one baton strike, both those dogs ran away.
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