Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Vision, Perception, Combat, and Court
How cognitive perception interferes with your ability to see motorcycles on the road and additional attackers in a gunfight.
Self-Defense Law: The 5 Elements for Justified Use of Force
Attorney George Lyon evaluates a recent court case and discusses the five elements you have to prove in order for your defensive shooting to meet the guidelines of “self defense.” If you have any uncertainties about these concepts, you need to read The Law of Self Defense.
.31″ and .32″ Revolver and Auto Cartridges – Is That 7 or 8mm Calibre?
Everything you would ever want to know about the many different varieties of .32 ammunition on the market.
8 Ways to Read 60 Books A Year
It’s sad to me that only 28% of Americans read more than 1 book a month last year and only 1% read more than 50 books in the same year. I try to read around 150 books a year and think that my reading has been a critical factor in my success both in business and in life. Here are some good ways to increase the time you spend with books. If you need some good book recommendations, check out my Recommended Reading List.
The cult of ignorance in the United States: Anti-intellectualism and the “dumbing down” of America
“We’re creating a world of dummies. Angry dummies who feel they have the right, the authority and the need not only to comment on everything, but to make sure their voice is heard above the rest, and to drag down any opposing views through personal attacks, loud repetition and confrontation.”
What’s Wrong With My Grip?
Melody talks with several expert trainers about the methods they use to improve their students’ gripping ability.
Robert Young Pelton’s Travel Gear And Equipment Tips

A New Proposal for Management of Severe Frostbite in the Austere Environment
If your adventure travels take you to cold places, you’ll want to review this complete guide for treating frostbite in the field.
Developing a Practice Program, Part Three
The Mountain Guerrilla gives some advice about weapons handling and practice programs. Grant Cunningham has another perspective on training in his article You don’t Need to be a SEAL.
Training As We Age
Ralph Mroz writes about how training and tactics may need to be modified for the aging gunfighter. If you are aging and need some inspiration, check out You’re Not Too Old, You’re Too Lazy.
Led by Lambs
Jeff Gonzales talks about some of the problems inherent in restrictive police use of force policies.
“This is a perfect example of failed leadership, where the leadership is more concerned of the public outcry rather than their officers’ safety. “
Designated Training Tourniquets
Great advice from Caleb Causey. Your training tourniquets should not be the same ones you carry for an emergency.
Nobody ever recounts a defensive gun use as, “I knew that day would be horrible!”
The real Dr. House shares the lessons learned from a defensive encounter he had as an armored car driver. I’m glad Sherman is writing again.
Let’s Be Firefighters!
Quite a few cops I know have chosen to embrace the “firefighter model” of policing. They sit quietly in a parking lot until they are called and then drive safely to the call in order to write a good report after the suspect has left the scene. They don’t do any proactive policing and generate very few complaints. They stop an occasional speeder (generally a middle-aged professional woman because they are not likely to be drunk, have a suspended license, have warrants, or fight the officer) to show enough “self initiated field activity” to keep the administration off their backs.
My guess is that as more officers embrace this model, crime rates will go through the roof. Retirement is looking very good right now.
A Burglar’s Universal Search Pattern – How a Burglar Robs Your Home in 8 Minutes
The search pattern is true. Although I would estimate the total time a burglar is in your house is less than 5 minutes. The places burglars generally don’t go are in basements or young children’s rooms.