Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Identifying & Clearing The Revolver Squib Load
No matter if you are shooting revolvers or autopistols, all shooters should be able to immediately recognize the sound/feel of a squib load and know to stop firing immediately. If a second shot is fired with the bullet blocking the barrel, the barrel will often be split wide open with hot gasses and shrapnel flying everywhere. You’ll ruin your gun and may hurt yourself as well.
The dowel rod he uses to get the bullet out is fine. Usually the bullet isn’t jammed in too tightly. I normally use a cleaning rod to force it out.
Guide to Using Snake Shot
To be perfectly honest, I’ve found several of “Sheriff Jim’s” recent advice columns to be utterly ridiculous, but this piece is actually pretty good. Here’s the deal. Most snakes should not be shot. They are a valuable component of the ecosystem and keep lots of undesirable critters in check. If a venomous snake is in threatening proximity to you or your children, blast it. If a snake is eating your farm animals, blast it. If a snake is chilling in the sun, walk around it.
With that said, handgun snake shot rounds absolutely suck. I’ve shot numerous snakes with .22 lr, .22 mag, and .38 snake shot. Most snakes took about 3 rounds before they died. You have to be REALLY close for the shot to kill quickly. A larger caliber snakeshot round is definitely preferable.
Or, just get accurate enough with your pistol to shoot the snake in the head with your regular carry ammo.
Please stop loving yourself “just as you are”
“Maybe the reason why your life sucks, is because your efforts suck.
Maybe you should stop being a little bitch and man up if that’s the case.
If that triggered you then then I suspect it’s the case.”
The Vehicle as Terror Weapon
Some basics about how to identify and defend against the vehicle as a terror weapon.
Random Thoughts Podcast 3

Interesting podcast from Marcus Wynne discussing how the scientific discoveries in cognitive neuroscience can improve awareness and threat recognition.
Five Dirty Little Secrets about Instruction
I’m sad to report that “Weapons Man” passed away last month. I read his blog regularly and enjoyed his perspective. This is one of his articles that is a favorite.
AK47 Ammo Test Part 1
Some well-conducted ammunition velocity tests for you AK fans.
The Ten Cent Solution to Over-Gassing
Getting some gas blowback in your face when you shoot your suppressed AR-15? Here is an easy fix.
Skills Check: 7x7x7 Drill
I’ve written about the 5 x 5 drill and the 6 x 6 drill in past articles. Both those drills are pretty easy. This one is significantly more challenging.
23 Medicinal Plants the Native Americans Used on a Daily Basis
Some easy to identify medicinal plants that likely grow near your home.
The Safety Dance
I like the idea Tamara writes about in this article. Safety (firearms of otherwise) is not a binary yes/no. It is a process.
Narconomics: How to Run a Drug Cartel
What I’m reading…
An entertaining and informative analysis of the business of drug manufacturing and distribution worldwide.
The Effect of Migration on Terror – Made at Home or Imported from Abroad?
If you are interested in the topic of terrorism, you might like this study. It looks at whether terrorism increases or decreases with immigration. I found it interesting.
Wasting the Warrior Culture
“There will come a time in the future when our nation will once again find itself in a time of great darkness and evil. Young men, yet untested in battle, will look to their leaders for guidance and find instead hollow vessels without the steel or stones necessary to lead men into battle. The painted soldiers on the parade fields will shake in terror and search desperately for the rough men like Frank who shepherded them through the last conflict for guidance only to find that they have all been weeded out of service. This is unacceptable.”
The same process (with the same undesirable consequences) is happening in police work as well.
A Crisis of Character
“If you want to make a difference, you don’t need a gun, you need character. If you claim to care about this country and the people around you, do something. You don’t need a fancy job title or huge social media following, you need the conviction to do the right thing, to set the example. Think before you speak. Take a moment of reflection before you vomit something out on a social media platform. Consider your actions. If you see something that is wrong, do something about it. Don’t bury your head in the sand in hopes that it will go away, it won’t. Be a beacon, illuminate the path for others.
We have the most powerful weaponry in the world, but it cannot protect us. We will be destroyed by our own lack of character, long before ordinance from a foreign country.”
Active Shooter Considerations with Chuck Haggard
Incredibly informative podcast interview with Chuck Haggard. Chuck drops quite a few knowledge bombs here. If you are concerned about active killer situations and how best to respond as a CCW carrier, you should definitely give this one a listen. Caution for adult language.
The Assailant Study – Mindsets and Behaviors
A look at the motivations and backgrounds of 50 different criminals who attacked and/or killed police officers last year. This is useful for you armed citizens as well. The criminals who attack the police are the same people who victimize you.
Good advice here. Read Part Two as well.
Why You’re Probably Pressing the Trigger Wrong
Do your shot groups look like this? You should probably read the article.
Medical Gear Tip
This condor water bottle pouch works for carrying an IV fluid bag and start kit. Very neat idea.
How To Recognize An Empty Gun
This is important information, especially for my “non-gun” readers (probably not too many of those folks actually reading this site). Knowing how to recognize a gun that is empty or malfunctioning is a lifesaving skill.
A Battle At Barrington: The Men & The Guns
A very detailed long form article about the battle that killed gangster “Baby Face” Nelson. I’m really looking forward to the author’s new Bob Lee Swagger book G-Man. It comes out this week. I’ve already pre-ordered my copy.
Defensive Low-Profile System (DLS)
This may be a handy, low profile, off-side blade for an officer’s duty belt. Its small size and plastic construction may get around some agencies policies against fixed blade knives. I like how they integrated the sheath into a belt keeper. I ordered one (and a trainer). I’ll report back after I’ve given it an evaluation.
Murders in US very concentrated
People from outside the USA talk about our high gun murder rate. We do have a firearms murder rate higher than most countries, but it is concentrated in a few gang territories. Most of America is quite safe to visit or live in.
How the IED Won: Dispelling the Myth of Tactical Success and Innovation
Read this article to learn why terrorists and insurgents use IEDs in battle.
Massad Ayoob talks about why you probably shouldn’t use handloads in your self-defense weapon.
Ankle Carry: Backup, Or Primary
Do you carry your primary firearm on your ankle? You may want to rethink that strategy.
* Some of the above links (from are affiliate links. If you purchase these items, I get a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.