Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Emotional Components of Knife Defense, Part 1
A detailed look at why some folks fear being stabbed more than being shot. It’s a very common, but scientifically baseless fear.
A medical study of criminal assaults taking place between 1960 and 1999 found that firearms attacks have a 5.4% lethality rate. Knife attacks have a 1.1% lethality rate.
Part Two of the series contains useful info as well.
Preliminary Comparison of New and Established Tactical Tourniquets in a Manikin Hemorrhage Model.
I get lots of questions about the RATS tourniquet in my medical classes. As it has not been approved, by JSOC, I generally tell students to avoid it. Here is the first published research from an independent source that shows the CAT tourniquet is superior to the RATS. This study shows a comparison between a CAT tourniquet and two different improvised tourniquets (using either bandanna or triangular bandage). The improvised tourniquets were less than impressive. There are also counterfeit RATS showing up online. Stick with the CAT or SofT-T. Thanks to Ian Wendt of Special Circumstances Inc for digging up this research.
On another medical note, your new angiocath will not relieve a tension pneumothorax.
All About Fraud: How Crooks Get the CVV
Ever wonder how credit card thieves get your number and security code? This article explains the process.
How To Survive An Active Shooter or Mass Shooting
Some decent advice for handling the active killer threat.
Heizer POCKET AK and POCKET AR Gel Test
I hope none of my readers are stupid enough to rely on a single shot .223 or 7.62 x 39mm DERRINGER for self protection. If you do carry one of these abortions, please look at the gel testing. Both calibers show a miserable performance out of a 1″ barrel. When a 40 grain .223 bullet doesn’t either expand or fragment, we call that a “clue.”
Shotgun Negligent Discharge: Bringing the Range to the Classroom

I haven’t seen this kind of negligent discharge before. Check your dummy rounds!
Lessons for the Ladies

Shooting advice for the ladies written by a female Gunsite Instructor.
Your Instructors Are Biased
Absolute truth:
“The more I train, the more I think that a good student is not the dutiful one who goes deeply down the path of a particular methodology with a specific instructor. A good student is an educated one, who makes wise and practical decisions about what works for them within their specific capabilities, goals, and environment.”
Avoidance: A Key Self Defense Tactic
“This is not the kind of advice many gun owners want to hear. It runs against the gut feeling many of us have that bad people should not be allowed to get away with doing bad things to good people. Owning or carrying a gun can be an act of defiance in the face of evil. It’s our way of saying, “We will not cower. We will resist.”
But in the real-world, the fact remains that self defense is about “defense” against aggression or threat. So the goal of self defense is to remain unharmed, not necessarily to shoot the bad guy.
Don’t misunderstand the point here. If you honestly believe you’re in danger of death or great bodily harm, and that using a firearm is the only way to survive, by all means shoot until the threat is neutralized. But also remember that shooting isn’t the goal. It’s merely one option to achieve your real goal, which is to live another day.”
May Rangemaster Newsletter
Tom’s monthly newsletter is always a good read.
P&S Skill Drills with Shock – Fuck Yo Couch Drill
A fast paced shooting drill to try. For another drill, check out Ed Head’s (former Gunsite Rangemaster) Extended Range Handgun Drill.
Mom Passes Baby Off To Fight Armed Robber
Have you considered what you might do if you were attacked while holding your baby? For another issue regarding children, have you thought about Bugging Out With a Baby?
Instructor Recommendations
A good list of recommendations for seeking additional training. I know most of these guys and they are all quality trainers.
The Drop Dead Gun
Have you ever trained to recover a dropped weapon? Hock has some good advice here.
Random Thoughts on Being ABLE to Intervene
Marcus Wynne shares some thoughts about why people perform sub-optimally under pressure.
Shot in the back: Is Tennessee v. Garner a “License to Kill”?
Samuel Hayes discusses the Tennesse v. Garner case with regards to shooting fleeing felons.
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