Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Concealed Carry: Vehicle Environment Skills
I like the idea of “malignant compliance.”
Securing your digital life, part one: The basics
Very high quality information. Read Part Two and Part Three as well.
You Are Always the First Responder to Your Personal Emergency
“Instead of trying to outsource responsibility for your personal safety – embrace the responsibility of being your own First Responder. Doing so will make you resilient and empower you with the necessary skills to prevail over adverse situations. Situations that may otherwise leave you dead or very badly injured. And you can start this process by changing your attitude towards self-reliance.”
Active Shooter: Coming to a Theater Near You? Advice From the Front Line.
First responders to the aurora, Colorado “Batman” movie theater shooting share their perspectives.
Living a Barbarian Life: Don’t Settle for the Mediocrity of the Minimum
The Mountain Guerrilla shares some excellent advice.
5.7x28mm VS 9mm — Which Is Better?

I’m going to pick 9mm every day of the week.
Blades for Self-Defense: Fearsome or Foolhardy?
“Pointing the razor’s edge of a sharp piece of steel at the throat of an active threat sure beats you standing there with nothing in your hands staring at your attacker(s) like a chicken looking at a new card trick.”
Stop The Bleeding: A Guide to Hemostatic Agent Choices
An article about commercial hemostatic agents and some of their natural or improvised alternatives.
Relationship red flags: A primer
Annette drops some knowledge.
A Pathway To Competency
Cecil Burch talks about the various martial arts systems and which one he recommends that you study. I’m very grateful for the years I spent wrestling in junior high and high school. It led to a good base of skill that would be impossible to duplicate at this stage of my life.
Michael Green of Green Ops Talks AR-15 Training Courses
“We recently sat down with Michael Green of Green Ops to discuss lessons learned at his AR-15 training courses, and how to train with your AR-15 on the static range, or even at home. We also discuss how his experiences inform his choice of AR, and more.”
Why Blank Ammo Can Be Deadly
I wrote about my thoughts on blank ammunition a couple weeks ago. Here is some similar supporting information.
Four Carjackings Give Principles To Stop Them
Car jacking is on the rise. Let’s look at some ways to prevent them.
Being Unseen, What are Target Indicators?
Because sometimes you don’t want to be seen…
Era of the Classic Snubnose Revolver
Great information about the development of the snub nosed revolver. If you are interested in additional revolver content, please also read Snub-Nosed S&W’s as well as Skill Set: Revolver Malfunctions.
The verdict in the Rittenhouse trial might trigger some rioting. Are you prepared?
Are LPVO’s Slow in CQB?
LPVOs aren’t really slower than red dots if you know how to use them properly.
Vehicle Security Basics for Survival in Bad Times
I doubt most of you live or work in an environment where this knowledge is necessary, but it doesn’t hurt to know how to search a car for bombs. This may be especially useful for you cops who drive take-home cruisers.
Six Reasons To Own A Revolver
With many politicians looking to ban semi-automatic handguns, learning how to run a revolver might not be a bad idea. You should also check out Sixgun Flu.
Officer applies a tourniquet after an accidental discharge in the bathroom!
Props to this officer for his calm demeanor and expertise. This is how tourniquets work in real life.
Reference source: S.D. Myres Saddle Co. marks and their dates
Solid information about some historical holsters.
Real World Gunfight Training
Mike has his new book priced at $0.99 for pre-sale. You would be an idiot not to buy it at that price. Act before Cyber-Monday when the price goes up.
Mas makes some very good points. I won’t say that a .38 snub or .380 auto can’t do the job. Statistically, they have resolved the majority of conflicts where they have been used. It’s also true that statistically speaking, you aren’t likely to need a gun at all.
We carry guns for those “long tail” events…for situations that fall outside the statistical norm. I choose to carry a gun (Glock 19) that will carry me through even if the parameters of my gunfight fall outside the statistical norm as well.
On How Resilience Is Not What You Think
My friend Dr. Darcie discusses resilience.
Should You Shoot? Self-Defense Tips You Don’t Know
“I urge you to take this message to heart. This in no way serves as legal advice. However, it’s just as important for you to be intimately familiar with the law as getting squared away with your gear, shooting technique and tactics.”
24 Grip Strength Exercises: A Complete Guide
Having a strong grip is an advantage if you want to shoot a handgun fast and accurately. For grip strength information specifically for female shooters, read Increasing Grip Strength- Part 2.
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