Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Openrange Defense – Is Awareness Mightier than the Gun?
Marlan uses the demise of some historical gunfighters to stress the importance of situational awareness.

Fit versus Feel
Massad Ayoob’s advice about handgun “feel?”
“When you dry-fire the new gun you’re thinking of buying, snap it up to firing position and see if the sights are on target. Press the trigger back and see if the sights stay on target, but this is just the start. It may take hundreds of rounds, preferably timed and scored, before you can say decisively, “This shoots better for me!”
How amenable the gun feels just holding it can fool you. A gun that doesn’t feel so great may shoot better for you. This is the puppy you want to follow you home — and don’t worry about the feel, because shooting better feels good!
Wilderness Survival Class
A lot of really high quality survival information in this article.
Auricular Hematoma Management
My grappling friends will like this article that provides the best medical practices for draining “cauliflower ear.”
Sources of Tinder and Fire Craft in the Urban Environment
We often think about tinder and fire making in the context of being lost in the wilderness. That may not be the only place you have to make a fire. This article provides some truly innovative advice about urban fire starting methods.
Crime rose unevenly when stay-at-home orders lifted. The racial disparity is the widest in years.
National, state, and even citywide crime rates are especially misleading. The “average” isn’t accurate for anyone. There are likely some areas that experience almost zero crime and other areas where crime rates are 20X the “average.”
Be careful in saying that there is less crime today than there was 15 years ago. In some cases you would be correct and in many others you would be very wrong.
A Survey of Revolver Grips
Old time knowledge that many have never learned. For some information about how this same concept can be applied to modern semi-automatic pistols (and why you shoot left with your Glock), read Tim Chandler’s discussion on Glock triggers.
The Tactical Relevance to B8 Targets
Why the B8 is more tactically relevant than you think it is.
When Running Will Get You Killed Against An Active Killer (With Pictures)
Several years ago, I wrote an article critiquing the “Run, Hide, Fight” model of responding to an active killer. In this article, Caleb digs even deeper into the “Run” part of that response and covers exactly when you should run from an active killer and when that would be a poor idea. Excellent information.
Brazilian Defender Absolutely Owns Attackers
Hmm…I’ve been told that defending oneself with a .380 auto isn’t possible.
Dagny Dagger 9MM Round Defeats Level 3A Body Armor ~ VIDEO
You should probably be aware that this ammunition is on the market. It’s a 9mm round that will penetrate soft body armor. There’s no real need to panic. We’ve had “pistols” that have penetrated armor for years. It’s a velocity issue. If you can drive the pistol round faster than about 1700 feet per second, you’ll defeat most soft body armor.
AR-15 pistols in .223 will generally meet this standard. Some 5.7 mm loads will penetrate. The old 7.62 mm Tokarev will penetrate from a WWII era handgun. There have also been pistols chambered in .30 carbine. With a long enough barrel they will penetrate armor as well. At $2.00-$4.00 a round, I’m not overly worried about criminals getting their hands on this round.
The 10 Week Functional Power Building Program (Part 2)
The second installment of what appears to be an excellent workout program for people who want to be strong and jacked. You may also like their 38 Week Functional Strength and Muscle Mass Program.
Airgun & BB Gun Training: Best Guns & Drills
I use my Umarex G-19 BB gun for “dry fire” practice on a regular basis.
On the Shoulders of Giants
Quality lessons learned from violent encounters around the world.
The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name
What I’m reading…
A fascinating exploration of the role of psychedelic drugs in the early origins of Christian religious traditions.
Fitness OVER Firearms
I’ve often told my students that, concerning overall longevity, buying a gym membership will yield better results than taking any of my classes.
Concealed carry law seminar
Blackwing Shooting Center is hosting a class taught by my friend Derek DeBrosse. Derek is an attorney who specializes in firearms law issues. He will be talking about legal issues for concealed carriers. If you are even the slightest bit hesitant about knowing the law with regard to using deadly force, you should probably make the time to attend Derek’s class.
A critical issue in the context of active shooter response…and one that few people are discussing. It’s important to be able to identify the bad guys if you are caught up in a mass killing. It’s even more important not to be identified as a bad guy yourself when you attempt to rescue people.
You will also want to check out Short Barrel Shepherd’s followup article on how not to be confused for a bad guy in an active killer event.
“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 140
A compilation of videos showing how easily many gun safes can be picked or broken open. I think these types of safes are more for securing your gun against kids or visitors rather than securing them against motivated criminals.
Carrying A Knife: Considerations and Protocols
“One of the main things you need to be aware of when carrying a knife is its purpose. As a general rule of thumb, most subject matter experts in self-defense will agree that a folder is not a viable offensive/defensive weapon for a variety of reasons such as like the inability to open it under stress, a high probability of dropping it in a scuffle, and fine motor skills going bye-bye when the adrenaline hits. However, that’s not so say you shouldn’t have a folder to use for day-to-day things; as this is being written, there is a SOG SEAL XR in my pocket that is used to go samurai on packages and cordage as needed.
However, the rituals we go through often ring in our heads with the jingle of wallet, phone, keys, pistol and knife: even if not necessarily in that order. If that knife is part if the defensive EDC routine, it should be a fixed blade, period.”
.223 vs. 5.56 – What’s the Difference?
Information to clear up a confusing issue. For more on the same topic, read 5.56 vs. .223: Which Can I Shoot?
Zen and the Art of Not Shooting
Most of us practice our shooting skills regularly. Have you considered the need to practice “not shooting?”
Hard Lessons
“As a cop, I learned we don’t have a Criminal Justice System, we have a Legal Industry. It pays some people handsomely and destroys others, innocent or guilty, and not many care much about who is which.
There are prosecutors who aren’t interested in evidence which might absolve a defendant, defenders who fight tooth and nail to exclude damning evidence of guilt, and the courtroom charade is all about who scores the win, not at all about “justice.” Look up the word “eristic” and you’ll know the real name of the game played in court. Testify in enough trials and you’ll learn there are only two kinds of justice left: street and poetic.
I learned every big agency needs shooters; guys who can stand and deliver, willingly and well. The brass knows who they are, quickly calls on ’em when all else fails, and even more quickly throws them to the jackals whenever it’s politically expedient.”
Hilton Yam 1911 Duty Tune: Fieldstripping & Teardown Tips
For my readers who carry 1911 pistols.
Skill Set: Control Drill
Tiger McKee discusses negative targets and how to use them to increase your shooting speed.
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