Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
My new favorite gun
I really like my LCP .22, but I’m not yet convinced of its reliability enough to carry it. I’ve put 260 rounds through mine and had nine malfunctions. I’m hoping that I haven’t yet found a round that it likes. Still hoping to find one that will go 100 rounds without puking.
LTT 1301 Cleaning and Maintenance Video
The Beretta 1301 is one of the most popular combat shotguns on the market. In this video, Ernest explains how to take care of it.
Data Study: 18 Months of Ammo Sales during a Pandemic, Protests, and the Biden Presidency
Some of the reasons bullets have been so expensive lately.
Temporal Sequencing, Incident Sophistication, and Terrorist Outcomes
A unique study looking at over 500 terrorist plots in the USA from 1980-2015. Their conclusions were as follows:
Read the whole study. It’s only four pages. Opens to PDF.
Keep Your Carbine Running: Dispelling Lubrication and Cleaning Myths
Pat Rogers gives you all the information you need to keep your AR-15 running perfectly.
Energizer® Tactical Metal Flashlight
Claude found a nice low budget tactical flashlight. You can pick one up on Amazon for $9.00.
Hero Bystander Hurt Stepping In to Help Stop Mugging
“Not your people, not your problem.”
Basic Tactics: Angular Searches
Some incredibly important ideas regarding using angles to your advantage during a building search. As my friend Chris Wallace says “You kill them with geometry. The bullet only finishes them off.”
Defoor Hat Qual | Skills and Drills
A quick and challenging shooting drill for your next range session. If you want an even more challenging drill, check out The Advanced Super Transition Test.
Edge-U-Cation – Lefty Knives
Michael Janich gives some good advice to all you lefties out there.
Police like me are taught to fear Americans instead of protect them. And people will die because of it.
An intriguing idea here (proposed by a police officer):
“Simply out, police training in America is in dire need of an overhaul. Too many departments still ignore emotional intelligence and behavioral analysis aspects of threat recognition. We need implicit bias training and community outreach. Our training spends too much time and effort on the “exceptions,” and not enough on the “rules.” Police training should emphasize slow-down strategies and tactics that allow for police officers’ critical thinking skills to complement, and, if necessary, override, emotions like fear or prejudice.
He’s certainly correct in some ways. We train new officers to “wargame” how scenarios can go bad and then take action to prevent that from happening. Take a step back and rationally look at the result of that teaching technique. If a random person is constantly visualizing imaginary scenarios where people try to hurt or kill him, we would consider that person mentally ill and paranoid. But for some reason, we encourage officers to do those things so they can be “safer.” It really doesn’t make much sense. I wish I knew a better way of doing things. How do you teach officers about avoiding/preventing dangerous situations without making them paranoid in the process? I don’t have the answer.
The Compass Autumn 2021
A remote medical newsletter that has some great articles. Pay special attention to the case study of the K-9 injury and how to adapt TCCC principles for your dogs. Opens to PDF.
Bloody Important – Cheetos and Duct Tape
Some more medical skills. Kerry Davis covers some techniques to control life threatening bleeding.
Revolver Gunsmith Roundup, Part II
Some more resources for revolver gunsmithing.
Mister Manners: What to Do About a Gun Store Commando?
Encountering the gun store commando is an exercise in patience.
“You’ll Shoot Your Junk Off”, The Anatomy Of An AIWB ND
Watch John try to create a negligent discharge using a UTM training gun and a cutaway holster. Proper drawing and reholstering technique will ensure that you won’t “shoot your junk off.” For some more tips, watch Answering Questions About AIWB (with John Johnston!).
Make Your Doors Secure with this Easy Trick
Mickey shares a slick method to harden your exterior doors.
Why People Feel Like Victims
Some fascinating psychology.
Study – Amateur Boxers Twice As Likely To Have Cognitive Impairment
My boxer friends should be careful.
Fuck Your Feelings, You Old Goat.
“You can preach all you want, to your kids about “respect your elders!” but if those elders don’t earn that respect, they’re not going to get it. If you’re that elder, and you’re trying to pass on life lessons to the youth of your community/clan/tribe/church congregation/militia unit/what-the-fuck-ever, you’d damned sure better be able to walk the walk, rather than spinning a skein of bullshit yarns, or nobody is going to take you serious.”
Mosby has a new book out as well. It’s focused on firearms training drills. I’m reading it now and have enjoyed what I’ve read so far. If you are interested, you can find his printed books on LuLu.
“Sadly our country continues to get less tolerant with respect to guns being carried. There are lots of places where you aren’t permitted to carry even as an off-duty cop. Your goal should be to carry in a manner that keeps professionals from spotting your gun. It should take a physical pat down to betray your concealment.”
Secrets of a Professional Bodyguard: How to Stay Safe in a Crowd
Some good tips for assessing the relative danger of crowds you may encounter.
What Is An Acceptable Level of Combat Accuracy (And Do You Measure Up)?
While I know quite a few gunfight winners who can’t shoot a four inch pistol group at 25 yards, this is probably a reasonable standard to aspire to achieve. You should also check out How to Shoot Targets at 200 Yards with your Handgun.
LIFE SKILLS | Normalcy Bias
“Normalcy bias is a mental state you enter when confronted with an overwhelming threat. It makes you disbelieve your situation when faced with grave and imminent danger. Initially hypothesized in 1961, this phenomenon causes you to underestimate the severity and the most likely consequences. This underestimation, in turn, causes you to reinterpret the event instead of taking evasive or decisive action.”
Buckshot Patterning
Some quality information on buckshot pattern size. For some more ammunition information from the same site, read Revolver carry ammo: is FMJ good for self defense?
Homicides rose by 30% in 2020: US records the largest increase in murders since national records began in 1960
Be careful out there. Things are getting crazy.
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